Moisture Meter MC-7828P (Pin Type, Data Memory, Wood, Tobacco, Paper,
Seed Cotton, Chinese Medicine, Paperboard) * Measure the moisture of
sample by testing the conductivity between two pin probes.
* Two presentations, digital display and color coded LED indication.
* With storage and statistical functions. Can store 240 groups of
* Use “USB data output” and “RS-232 data output” to connect with PC.
* Provide “Bluetooth ™ data output” choice.
Abies grandis, Acer macrophyllum, Maple, Acer saccharum,
Pine(scots ), yellow Pine, Dalbergia latifolia,
Dipterocarpus zeylanicus, Eucalyptus microcorys, Fraxinus
excelsior, Cupressus spp, Pinus contorta,Pterygota
bequaertii, Quercus robur, Pinus sylvestris, Balsa, Boxwood
(maracaibo), red Gum(American), Gum spotted, Gurjun, Birch,
Cypress (African) Karri, Oak(European), Oak(Japanese),black
Poplar,Redwood (Baltic European),
(American), Kapur
Araucaria bidwilli, Eucalyptus crebra, Eucalyptus
saligna,Flindersia bray-leyana, Fraxinus Americana, Intsia
bijuga, Podocarpus dacrydioides, Seq-uoia sempervirens,
Pinus pinaster,Gum(southern),Mahogany(west Indian ), Douglas
fir, Maple (queensland), red (light or dark) Meranti, white
Mera-nti, Redwood(Californian), Walnut (new guinea), white
Pine (new Zealand), Araucaria angustifolia
Distemonanthus benthamianus, Jarrah, Endiandra
palmerstonii, Erythro-phleum spp, Abies alba, Fagus
sylvatica, Grevillea robusta, Juglans regia, Larix deciduas,
Larix occidentalis, Podocarpus spicatus, Picea abies, Pin-us
caribaea, Pinus nigra, Pinus palustris, Pinus ponderosa,
Pinus radiata, Taxus baccata,Thuja plicata,Tsuga
heterophylla,red Cedar(western), Che-stnut, Greenheart,
Hemlock (western), Larch (European), Larch (Japanese
),Queensland walnut,red Seraya,Spruce,Silky
oak(African),Silky oak(Aus-tralian), Pine (Corsican), Pine,
radiata, Walnut(European), Walnut (queen-sland), Whitewood,
Yew, Pine(ponderosa), Stringybark, Oak (tasmanese)
Khaya senegalensis, Podocarpus totara, Quercus cerris,
Ulmus American,Ulmus procera, Ulmus thomasii, Afzelia,
Kauri( new Zealand), Lime, Elm(English), white Elm, Matai,
Oak( Turkey), Pyinkado
Cd04 |
Acer pseudoplatanus, Carya glabra, Sycamore, Cassipourea
elliotii, Dipte-rocarpus (keruing), Teak, Cordia alliodore,
Larix occidentalis, Pterocarpus soyauxii, Hickory Padauk(
African) |
Cd05 |
Afrormosia elata, Diospyros virginiana, Gonystylus
macrophyllum, Ptero-carpus indicus, Afrormosia, Amboyna,
Basswood, Coachwood, Persimmon |
Cd06 |
Calophyllum brasiliense, Guarea cedrata, white Guarea |
Cd07 |
Abies procera,Agathis robusta,Betula pendula,Croton
megalocarpus, Pru-nus avium, Agba, Birch( European), Cedar( west
lndian), black Guarea, Kauri (queensland), Walnut( African),
Cherry (european), Utile |
Cd08 |
Chipboard, Paper |
Cd09 |
Building, Wall, Concrete |
Meaning |
Pin Type |
Specifications |
Wood Over 150 Species |
Measuring Range |
0~80 % |
Accuracy |
±(0.5%n+0.5) |
Resolution |
0.1 |
Display |
4 Digits, 10 mm LCD, With Color Coded LED Indicator |
LED Indicator |
Green LED represents a safe, air-dry state |
Yellow LED represents a borderline state |
Red LED represents a damp state |
Calibration |
Automatic |
Battery Indicator |
Low Battery Indicator |
Data Output |
USB, RS-232, Bluetooth |
Data Memory |
240 Groups |
Operating Conditions |
Temperature: 0~50 %°C, Humidity: < 90 %RH |
Power Supply |
4 x 1.5 AAA Size (UM-4) Battery |
Dimensions |
Main Unit |
150 x 65 x 30 mm |
Measuring Pin |
192 x 44 x 44 mm |
Weight |
324 g (Not Including Batteries) |
Standard Accessories:
1. Main Unit
2. Carrying Case
3. Operation Manual
4. Measuring Pin (P28)
Optional accessories:
1. Moisture Standard 18 %
2. USB, RS-232C data cable with software
3. Bluetooth data out put with software |
Cigarette Moisture Meter MC-7828CIG (Pin Type, Data Memory) The Multi
Functional Cigarette Moisture Meter, is dedicated to the cigarette
moisture testing, quickly and accurately measures the moisture of
cigarette by testing the conductivity between two pin probes, as a
professional instrument for cigarette moisture measurements.
* Pin Type Cigarette Moisture Meter with boot automatic calibration
* Measure the moisture of cigarette by testing the conductivity between
two pin probes.
* The selection of different measuring codes makes measurement results
more accurate. there is a standard code cd00, also 4 kinds of code cd01,
c d02, c d03, c d04, for t he user s’ self calibration according to the
specific measured cigarette, in order to improve the accuracy of
measurement .
* Digital display gives exact reading with no guessing or errors while a
color coded light ( LED) indicates the moisture condition of the
material. This combined presentation of moisture measurement helps the
user to map the extent of problems and monitor changes in condition
precisely and reliably.
* Dedicated to the cigarette moisture testing. Sensor pins are suitable
for cigarettes of different size without a djustments of the pin
distance, convenient for the users.
* Can store 120 sets of data, realize of statistic function by testing
the average, maximum and minimum value.
Meaning |
Type |
Measuring Range |
% |
Accuracy |
±(0.5%n+0.2) |
Resolution |
0.1 |
Display |
Digits, 10 mm LCD, With Color Coded LED Indicator |
LED Indicator |
LED represents a safe, air-dry state |
Yellow LED represents a borderline state |
LED represents a damp state |
Calibration |
Automatic |
Battery Indicator |
Battery Indicator |
Data Output |
RS-232, Bluetooth |
Operating Conditions |
Temperature: 0~50 %°C, Humidity: < 90 %RH |
Power Supply |
4 x
1.5 AAA Size (UM-4) Battery |
Dimensions |
Unit |
140 x
73 x 35 mm |
Measuring Pin |
180 x
44 x 44 mm |
Weight |
220 g
(Not Including Batteries) |
Standard Accessories:
1. Main Unit
2. Carrying Case
3. Operation Manual
4. Measuring Pin
Optional accessories:
1. USB, RS-232C data cable with software
2. Bluetooth data out put with software |